Saturday, February 2, 2013

Toy Story Alien Cupcakes

A friend shared a picture of a version of these cupcakes with me recently, and I'd been wanting to recreate them my own way, so when I wanted to surprise Oliver with birthday cupcakes and didn't have my usual ridiculous amount of decorating supplies, this is what I came up with.! Toy Story Alien cupcakes. :) Not that it matters, but I made banana cupcakes with chocolate chips and white chocolate chips, and then iced them with blue tinted cinnamon vanilla buttercream...I suppose that there's a chance that aliens enjoy those flavors...I couldn't tell you for sure. They don't sound especially intergalactic, but those are the ingredients I had on hand, and they sounded good to me...a mere earthling. Anyways. To create the aliens, I rolled out white gumpaste, and used a Yoda Star Wars cookie cutter I happened to have to get the basic shape of the head. Then, I smoothed out "Yoda"'s forehead wrinkles, reshaped his ears a bit, added an antenna, and voila.! Aliens. I melted vanilla lime green colored candy melts, coated each alien with that, and then poked upside down white chocolate chips into the still soft gumpaste for the eyeballs. I then used black gel to finish off the little aliens and add some detail.!