Sunday, March 2, 2014

Pirate Treasure Cake

 This pirate treasure chest cake was for my nephew Trey's second birthday. !! The theme of the party was one of his favorite tv shows- jake and the neverland pirates. I brainstormed and decided to figure out how to create a beach scene with a treasure chest overflowing with pirate treasure.
 First I baked two banana cakes- one 9x13 and two 8 in squares.  The smaller square cakes became the treasure chest. I cut a corner off of the larger cake and dug out a section for the ocean, then added those extra bits of cake back around the edges. I used some gold tinted gumpaste to create the three personalized gold coins which I then brushed with gold shimmer dust. I made blue jello for the ocean-  let it set, put a thin layer of icing over the cake and then spooned the "water" in. To prop the treasure chest open, I put an empty paper towel roll in between the layers,  which I hid with fake gold coins. I made chocolate icing to frost the treasure chest with, and vanilla icing tinted with light brown food gel for the rest of the cake. Lastly, I dusted everything with a "sand" mixture of graham cracker crumbs and brown sugar .!
 Blowing out the candle.!
Ahoy matey.!!! He loved his cake :)

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