Friday, March 31, 2017

Bridal shower cookies

 I like to make cookies too! It's not always all about cakes.! These were made for a bridal shower, as you could hopefully guess. First, I made a super yummy sugar cookie dough with a hint of almond extract as the surprise to make it next level. I used a large canning jar ring to cut out these cookies since I'm all for being inventive and didn't feel like buying a circle cookie cutter.
After baking and cooking for a few hours, I whipped up some royal icing. Royal icing dries hard, and is tricky to work with because it dries out really quickly. I put plastic wrap tightly over the surface of any royal icing that I'm not using immediately so I have more time to work with it. First, I piped the circle outline of the cookies with stiff consistency white royal icing. Let this dry completely. Then, thin out some of the white icing stirring in small amounts of water until icing dripped from a spoon pools into itself. Use this icing to flood the surface of the cookie, inside the circle dam you just piped. Let this dry completely. Then, I piped a border and script on each cookie with royal icing I colored using food gel. This was tedious and I felt like I was contributing to my future carpal tunnel but I was happy with the result!

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