Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Lovebug Cookies

 These may not be cakes, but they turned out too cute to not share.! I love doing crafty projects with my nephew, and thought it'd be fun to make some valentine "lovebugs"! They were super simple to make, and turned out adorable :)

 First, we melted some red chocolate melts in a bowl. Stir at 30 second intervals until they are melted sufficiently. Then, we dipped double stuf oreos (because let's be real- it's not worth it unless its double stuf ;) ) about 3/4 of a way in the red chocolate. I used a spoon to distribute the chocolate more smoothly. As the red chocolate dried, I melted some black chocolate melts in a bowl. Then, we dipped the remaining exposed oreo cookies in the melted black chocolate. We slightly flattened miniature marshmallows (eyes) and attached two on each ladybug "lovebug". I used a toothpick to carefully dip into the black chocolate melts and paint a line down the middle of the ladybug "wings," then 6 spots for each lovebug. Lastly, we firmly pressed chocolate chips (pointy side down) into each marshmallow to create a googly eyed effect! <3

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